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Too Fat to Wear That Pictures

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this shit just blows my mind...
KARAAN - 7/10/2008, 2:24 PM
how does it blow your mind? A somewhat overweight girl in fully covering clothing? must just be an idiot.
dovebair - 8/5/2008, 11:05 PM
ya well you can blow me. that is a perfectly good witch hunter robin cosplay
manwe841 - 8/10/2008, 5:55 AM
my username says it all. i wouldn't have even considered registering for this site, except to respond (peevishly, perhaps) to some ogre-wank who calls himself KARAAN. get a life, turd.
karaanzanazz - 11/12/2009, 10:41 AM
Some fucking uptight people here lol...she looks like that big monster thing from laberynth lol :D
teabag - 5/30/2010, 4:13 AM
Yeah, her face just-- would be cute, but there's just too much fat there.
Selrisitai - 9/5/2015, 8:58 AM

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